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‘Maithili’ is a part fiction, part real rendition of Ramayana. It takes us on an enticing journey of the city of Ayodhya — A city where discrimination is normalised in the name of religion and culture through ages of slow poisoning. Urmila — The wife of Lakshmana, is the prime minister in the court of Rama and Sita. She grapples with the preposterous traditions prevalent in the Koshal kingdom. She cries, whispers, shouts, and even screams, to protect her subjects and her loved ones. The subaltern voices find a way to resonate in the golden pillared throne hall of Ayodhya, demanding justice and if not, they are seized in the epistolary narration of the protagonist. It is also a fable of a generic love story between Lakshmana and Urmila pivoting upon their divided priorities that binds them together with an equable force that can also tear them apart.

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‘Maithili’ is a part fiction, part real rendition of Ramayana. It takes us on an enticing journey of the city of Ayodhya — A city where discrimination is normalised in the name of religion and culture through ages of slow poisoning. Urmila — The wife of Lakshmana, is the prime minister in the court of Rama and Sita. She grapples with the preposterous traditions prevalent in the Koshal kingdom. She cries, whispers, shouts, and even screams, to protect her subjects and her loved ones. The subaltern voices find a way to resonate in the golden pillared throne hall of Ayodhya, demanding justice and if not, they are seized in the epistolary narration of the protagonist. It is also a fable of a generic love story between Lakshmana and Urmila pivoting upon their divided priorities that binds them together with an equable force that can also tear them apart.

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Palak Vashisth


Kalamos Literary Services